Frequency bands

This allows to define the frequency band that will be used for the calculation. This can be done:

  • by hand, by checking/unchecking the frequency to be considered;

  • automatically (“Automatic selection”), by using the contextual menu on the element “Frequency band” of the chossen code:

    • “Unselect all”

      Uncheck all frequency bands.

    • “Select all”

      Check all frequency bands.

    • “Octave”

      Check third ocave bands that are centred on the corresponding octave bands.

      • “All”

        All octave bands on the whole frequency range

      • “Building/Road”

        All octave bands between 125Hz and 4000Hz.

    • “Third octaves”

      Check the third octave bands, considering.

      • “All”

        All thrid octave bands on the whole frequency range.

      • “Building/Road”

        All octave bands between 100Hz and 5000Hz.