Manipulating sources and receivers

Rotate a group of sources/receivers

I-Simpa can automatically rotate a group of punctual receivers or sound sources. Users have to specify:

  • “Rotation angle (degree)”: angle of rotation [degree];

  • “Rotation center”: center of the rotation (position (x,y,z) in [m]);

  • “Rotation vector”: axis of rotation (x,y,z) in [m].

Example: Below, an example of rotation of a receivers grid in a plane XY:

  • “Rotation angle (degree)”=45°

  • at center position “Rotation center”=[1.,1.,0.]

  • around axis “Rotation vector”=[0.,0.,1.]

Translate a group of sources/receivers

I-Simpa can automatically translate of punctual receivers or sound sources. Users have to specify:

  • “Direction (m)”: define the direction (vector) of translation.

Example: Below, an example of a translation of a receivers grid, in the direction [3.,0.,0.]:

Create a grid of receivers

I-Simpa can creates automatically 2D grids of punctual receivers. Users have to specify:

  • a column (col) vector and a row vector to define the grid plane, as well as, the spatial step between two receivers

  • the starting position (origin) of the grid,

  • and the number of rows and columns of the grid.

Grid Parameters:

  • “Col step x (m)”: define the x coordinate of the column vector;

  • “Col step y (m)”: define the y coordinate of the column vector;

  • “Col step z (m)”: define the z coordinate of the column vector;

  • “Number of cols”: define the number of columns;

  • “Number of rows”: define the number of rows;

  • “Row step x (m)”: define the x coordinate of the row vector;

  • “Row step y (m)”: define the y coordinate of the row vector;

  • “Row step z (m)”: define the z coordinate of the row vector;

  • “Starting position x (m)”: define the x coordinate of the origin of the grid;

  • “Starting position y (m)”: define the y coordinate of the origin of the grid;

  • “Starting position z (m)”: define the z coordinate of the origin of the grid;