Creating charts

Most values represented as tables in a “Properties” window can be displayed in a chart form, configurable by the user. The procedure consists of selecting cells in a table of data, then, to click with the right mouse button on the corresponding selection and to specify options representation:

“Tab name”

Name of the tab containing the created a chart.

“Name of X axis”

Name of the x-axis.

“Name of X axis”

Name of the y-axis.

“Data alignment”

Choose the orientation of

“Text label for X”

Display labels of the x-axis in a “text mode” using a linear space, or in “value mode” using the real x value.

“Default Style”

Curves representation.


The choice of colors (for curves, fills, dots…) in the representation of graphics is random.


The labels of the data series (in tables) are automatically considered in charts.

Chart Options

Once the chart is created, several actions are possible, using the contextual menu on the chart.

“Original Zoom”

Reset to the initla display. Use the mouse (button left) to zoom in/out.

  • “Export to image file”: export the chart as an image file (PNG, JPG, BMP).

  • “Export to clipboard”: user can paste the chart in antoher application.

“Show/Hide curves”

Select the curves to be displayed or “Show”/”Hide” all curves.

“Display parameters”

Configure all the chart properties.